Source code for

import sys
import pandas as pd

from .util import stderr

[docs] def read_tabular_data(X_paths, Y_paths, series_ids, categorical_columns=None, sep=' ', verbose=True): """ Read impulse and response data into pandas dataframes and perform basic pre-processing. :param X_paths: ``str`` or ``list`` of ``str``; path(s) to impulse (predictor) data (multiple tables are concatenated). Each path may also be a ``;``-delimited list of paths to files containing predictors with different timestamps, where the predictors in each file are all timestamped with respect to the same reference point. :param Y_paths: ``str`` or ``list`` of ``str``; path(s) to response data (multiple tables are concatenated). Each path may also be a ``;``-delimited list of paths to files containing different response variables with different timestamps, where the response variables in each file are all timestamped with respect to the same reference point. :param series_ids: ``list`` of ``str``; column names whose jointly unique values define unique time series. :param categorical_columns: ``list`` of ``str``; column names that should be treated as categorical. :param sep: ``str``; string representation of field delimiter in input data. :param verbose: ``bool``; whether to log progress to stderr. :return: 2-tuple of list(``pandas`` DataFrame); (impulse data, response data). X and Y each have one element for each dataset in X_paths/Y_paths, each containing the column-wise concatenation of all column files in the path. """ if not isinstance(X_paths, list): X_paths = [X_paths] if not isinstance(Y_paths, list): Y_paths = [Y_paths] if verbose: stderr('Loading data...\n') X = [] Y = [] for path in X_paths: assert path is not None, 'No data path provided. Exiting.' _X = [] for x in path.split(';'): _X.append(pd.read_csv(x, sep=sep, skipinitialspace=True)) X.append(_X) for path in Y_paths: assert path is not None, 'No data path provided. Exiting.' _Y = [] for y in path.split(';'): _Y.append(pd.read_csv(y, sep=sep, skipinitialspace=True)) Y.append(_Y) # Regroup by column # Stimuli X_new = [] # Loop through datasets for i in range(len(X)): for j in range(len(X[i])): while j >= len(X_new): X_new.append([]) X_new[j].append(X[i][j]) X = [] # Loop through column files for x in X_new: X.append(pd.concat(x, axis=0)) # Responses Y_new = [] # Loop through datasets for i in range(len(Y)): for j in range(len(Y[i])): while j >= len(Y_new): Y_new.append([]) Y_new[j].append(Y[i][j]) Y = [] # Loop through column files for x in Y_new: Y.append(pd.concat(x, axis=0)) # Sort if verbose: stderr('Ensuring sort order...\n') for i, x in enumerate(X): X[i] = x.sort_values(series_ids + ['time']).reset_index(drop=True) for i, y in enumerate(Y): Y[i] = y.sort_values(series_ids + ['time']).reset_index(drop=True) # Process categorical if categorical_columns is not None: for t in categorical_columns: split = t.split(':') for col in split: for _X in X: if col in _X: _X[col] = _X[col].astype('category') for _Y in Y: if col in _Y: _Y[col] = _Y[col].astype('category') if len(split) > 1: for _Y in Y: new_col = None for col in split: assert col in _Y, 'Members of categorical interaction grouping indices must all be present in every response table.' if new_col is None: new_col = _Y[col].astype(str) else: new_col = new_col + ':' + _Y[col].astype(str) _Y[t] = new_col # Add columns to X for _X in X: assert not 'rate' in _X, '"rate" is a reserved column name in CDR. Rename your input column...' _X['rate'] = 1. if 'trial' not in _X: if series_ids: _X['trial'] = _X.groupby(series_ids).rate.cumsum() else: _X['trial'] = _X.rate.cumsum() return X, Y