Getting Started

The cdr package provides utilities that support easy training and evaluation of CDR models. Most of these utilities depend on a config file *.ini containing metadata needed to construct the CDR model(s). At training time, a copy of the config file is placed in the output directory for the experiment, which can be useful for record keeping. The approach of using config files rather than command line arguments to define experiments has several advantages:

  • Users only need to define the experiment once, and settings can be reused for arbitrarily many models

  • The config file contains a permanent record of the settings used in the experiment, facilitating later reproduction

  • The config file can be shared across many utilities (training, evaluation, statistical testing, plotting, etc.)

This guide describes how to write the config file and use it to train and evaluate CDR models.

Configuring CDR Experiments

A set of CDR experiments is definied in a config file *.ini, which can then be passed to CDR executables (). For example, once a config file foo.ini has been created, the models defined in it can be trained using the included train executable, like this:

python -m cdr.bin.train foo.ini

The config file must at minimum contain the sections [data] (with pointers to training/evaluation data) and [global_settings] (with the location of the output directory). A section [cdr_settings] can be (optionally) provided to override default settings. In addition, the config file should contain at least one model section, consisting of the prefix model_ followed by a custom name for the model. For example, to define a model called readingtimes, use the section heading [model_readingtimes]. The identifier readingtimes will then be used by a number of utilities to designate this model. The data and settings configurations will be shared between all models defined a single config file. Each model section heading should contain at least the field formula. The value provided to formula must be a valid CDR model string. Additional fields may be provided to override inherited CDR settings on a model-specific basis. Experiments involving distinct datasets require distinct config files.

For more details on the available configuration parameters, see CDR Configuration Files. For more details on CDR model formulae, see CDR Model Formulas. To jump-start a new config file, run:

python -m cdr.bin.create_config > config.ini

Add the flag -a to include annotations that can help you fill in the fields correctly.

Running CDR executables

A number of executable utilities are contained in the module cdr.bin and can be executed using Python’s -m flag. For example, the following call runs the train utility on all models specified in a config file config.ini:

python -m cdr.bin.train config.ini

Usage help for each utility can be viewed by running:

python -m cdr.bin.<UTIL-NAME> -h

for the utility in question. Or usage help for all utilities can be printed at once using:

python -m

The following sections go into more detail about training and evaluation utilities that will likely be useful to most users.

Training CDR Models

First, gather some data and write a config file defining your experiments. Data must be in a textual tabular format. CSV format is assumed; to specify the delimiter, use the sep field in your config file. Once the config file has been written, training a CDR model is simple using the train utility, which takes as its principle argument a path to the config file. For example, if the config file is names experiment.ini, all models defined in it can be trained with the call:

python -m dstr.bin.train experiment.ini

To restrict training to some subset of models, the -m flag is used. For example, the following call trains models A and B only:

python -m cdr.bin.train experiment.ini -m CDR_A CDR_B

CDR periodically saves training checkpoints to the model’s output directory (every save_freq training epochs, where save_freq can be defined in the config file or left at its default of 1). This allows training to be interrupted and resumed. To save space, checkpoints overwrite each other, so the output directory will contain only the most recent checkpoint. If the train utility discovers a checkpoint in the model’s output directory, it loads it and resumes training from the saved state.

CDR learning curves can be visualized in Tensorboard. To run Tensorboard for a CDR model called CDR_A saved in experiment directory EXP, run:

python -m tensorboard.main --logdir=EXP/CDR_A

then open the returned address (usually http://<USERNAME>:6006) in a web browser.

Evaluating and Testing CDR Models

This package provides several utilities for inspecting and evaluating fitted CDR models. The principal evaluation utility is predict. The following generates predictions on test data from the model CDR_A defined in experiment.ini:

python -m cdr.bin.predict experiment.ini -m CDR_A -p test

This call will save files containing elementwise predictions, errors, and likelihoods, along with a performance summary. For more details on usage, run:

python -m cdr.bin.predict -h

Once predict has been run for multiple models, statistical model comparison (permutation test) can be performed using test, as shown:

python -m cdr.bin.test experiment.ini -p test

The above call will permutation test pairwise differences in mean squared error on test data for all unique pairs of models defined in experiment.ini. For more details on usage, run:

python -m cdr.bin.test -h

To compare a specific pair of models (e.g. A and B), use the -m flag:

python -m cdr.bin.test experiment.ini -p test -m A B

This kind of statistical model comparison is the foundation of hypothesis testing with CDR(NN)s. If model A above represents the null hypothesis (e.g. excludes predictor P) and model B represents the alternative (e.g. includes predictor P), then the test will give a p value for the effect of P (namely, does including P in the model improve fit to the test set?).

In addition to these core utilities, convolve convolves the input predictors using the fitted CDR data transform and saves the data table, and plot generates IRF plots with basic customization as permitted by the command line arguments.