Source code for

import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .util import flatten_dict, names2ix, stderr

op_finder = re.compile('([^()]+)\((.+)\) *')

[docs] def z(df): """ Z-transform pandas series or data frame :param df: ``pandas`` ``Series`` or ``DataFrame``; input date :return: ``pandas`` ``Series`` or ``DataFrame``; z-transformed data """ return (df-df.mean(axis=0))/df.std(axis=0)
[docs] def c(df): """ Zero-center pandas series or data frame :param df: ``pandas`` ``Series`` or ``DataFrame``; input date :return: ``pandas`` ``Series`` or ``DataFrame``; centered data """ return df-df.mean(axis=0)
[docs] def s(df): """ Rescale pandas series or data frame by its standard deviation :param df: ``pandas`` ``Series`` or ``DataFrame``; input date :return: ``pandas`` ``Series`` or ``DataFrame``; rescaled data """ return df/df.std(axis=0)
def corr(A, B): # Assumes A and B are n x a and n x b matrices and computes a x b pairwise correlations A_centered = A - A.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) B_centered = B - B.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) A_ss = (A_centered ** 2).sum(axis=0) B_ss = (B_centered ** 2).sum(axis=0) rho =, B_centered) / np.sqrt([..., None], B_ss[None, ...])) rho = np.clip(rho, -1, 1) return rho
[docs] def corr_cdr(X_2d, impulse_names, impulse_names_2d, time, time_mask): """ Compute correlation matrix, including correlations across time where necessitated by 2D predictors. :param X_2d: ``numpy`` array; the impulse data. Must be of shape ``(batch_len, history_length+future_length, n_impulses)``, can be computed from sources by ``build_CDR_impulse_data()``. :param impulse_names: ``list`` of ``str``; names of columns in **X_2d** to be used as impulses by the model. :param impulse_names_2d: ``list`` of ``str``; names of columns in **X_2d** that designate to 2D predictors. :param time: 3D ``numpy`` array; array of timestamps for each event in **X_2d**. :param time_mask: 3D ``numpy`` array; array of masks over padding events in **X_2d**. :return: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; the correlation matrix. """ rho = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(impulse_names), len(impulse_names))), index=impulse_names, columns=impulse_names) for i in range(len(impulse_names)): for j in range(i, len(impulse_names)): if impulse_names[i] in impulse_names_2d or impulse_names[j] in impulse_names_2d: x1 = X_2d[..., i] x2 = X_2d[..., j] aligned = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.isclose(time[:,:,i], time[:,:,j]), time_mask[:,:,i]), time_mask[:,:,j]) n = aligned.sum() x1_mean = x1.sum() / n x2_mean = x2.sum() / n cor = ((x1 - x1_mean) * (x2 - x2_mean) * aligned).sum() / \ np.sqrt(((x1 - x1_mean) ** 2 * aligned).sum() * ( (x2 - x2_mean) ** 2 * aligned).sum()) else: x1 = X_2d[:, -1, i] x2 = X_2d[:, -1, j] n = X_2d.shape[0] x1_mean = x1.sum() / n x2_mean = x2.sum() / n cor = ((x1 - x1_mean) * (x2 - x2_mean)).sum() / \ np.sqrt(((x1 - x1_mean) ** 2).sum() * ((x2 - x2_mean) ** 2).sum()) rho.loc[impulse_names[i], impulse_names[j]] = cor if i != j: rho.loc[impulse_names[j], impulse_names[i]] = cor return rho
[docs] def add_responses(names, y): """ Add response variable(s) to a dataframe, applying any preprocessing required by the formula string. :param names: ``str`` or ``list`` of ``str``; name(s) of dependent variable(s) :param y: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; response data. :return: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; response data with any missing ops applied. """ if isinstance(names, str): names = [names] for name in names: if name in y: return y op, var = op_finder.match(name).groups() y = add_responses(var, y) arr = y[var] if op in ['c', 'c.']: new_col = c(arr) elif op in ['z', 'z.']: new_col = z(arr) elif op in ['s', 's.']: new_col = s(arr) elif op == 'log': new_col = np.log(arr) elif op == 'log1p': new_col = np.log(arr + 1) elif op == 'exp': new_col = np.exp(arr) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized op: "%s".' % op) y[name] = new_col return y
[docs] def get_first_last_obs_lists(y): """ Convenience utility to extract out all first_obs and last_obs columns in **Y** sorted by file index :param y: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; response data. :return: pair of ``list`` of ``str``; first_obs column names and last_obs column names """ first_obs = [] last_obs = [] last_obs_ix = [int(c.split('_')[-1]) for c in y.columns if c.startswith('last_obs')] for i in sorted(last_obs_ix): first_obs_cur = y['first_obs_%d' % i] last_obs_cur = y['last_obs_%d' % i] first_obs.append(first_obs_cur) last_obs.append(last_obs_cur) return first_obs, last_obs
[docs] def filter_invalid_responses(Y, dv, crossval_factor=None, crossval_fold=None): """ Filter out rows with non-finite responses. :param Y: ``pandas`` table or ``list`` of ``pandas`` tables; response data. :param dv: ``str`` or ``list`` of ``str``; name(s) of column(s) containing the dependent variable(s) :param crossval_factor: ``str`` or ``None``; name of column containing the selection variable for cross validation. If ``None``, no cross validation filtering. :param crossval_fold: ``list`` or ``None``; list of valid values for cross-validation selection. Used only if ``crossval_factor`` is not ``None``. :return: 2-tuple of ``pandas`` ``DataFrame`` and ``pandas`` ``Series``; valid data and indicator vector used to filter out invalid data. """ df_in = False if not isinstance(Y, list): Y = [Y] df_in = True if not isinstance(dv, list): dv = [dv] if crossval_fold is None: crossval_fold = [] select_Y_valid = [] for i, _Y in enumerate(Y): _select_Y_valid_cv = np.ones(len(_Y), dtype=bool) if crossval_factor: _select_Y_valid_cv &= _Y[crossval_factor].isin(crossval_fold) _select_Y_valid_dv = np.zeros(len(_Y), dtype=bool) for _dv in dv: if _dv in _Y: dtype = _Y[_dv].dtype if not in ('object', 'category') and np.issubdtype(dtype, np.number): is_numeric = True else: is_numeric = False if is_numeric: finite = np.isfinite(_Y[_dv]) else: finite = np.ones(len(_Y), dtype=bool) _select_Y_valid_dv |= finite _select_Y_valid = _select_Y_valid_cv * _select_Y_valid_dv select_Y_valid.append(_select_Y_valid) Y[i] = _Y[_select_Y_valid] if df_in: Y = Y[0] select_Y_valid = select_Y_valid[0] return Y, select_Y_valid
[docs] def build_CDR_response_data( responses, Y=None, first_obs=None, last_obs=None, Y_time=None, Y_gf=None, X_in_Y_names=None, X_in_Y=None, Y_category_map=None, response_to_df_ix=None, gf_names=None, gf_map=None ): """ Construct response data arrays in the required format for CDR fitting/evaluation for one or more response arrays. :param responses: ``list`` of ``str``; names of columns in **Y** to be used as responses (dependent variables) by the model. :param Y: ``list`` of ``pandas`` tables, or ``None``; response data. If ``None``, does not return a response array. :param first_obs: ``list`` of ``list`` of index vectors (``list``, ``pandas`` series, or ``numpy`` vector) of first observations, or ``None``; the list contains one element for each response array. Inner lists contain vectors of row indices, one for each element of **X**, of the first impulse in the time series associated with each response. If ``None``, inferred from **Y**. :param last_obs: ``list`` of ``list`` of index vectors (``list``, ``pandas`` series, or ``numpy`` vector) of last observations, or ``None``; the list contains one element for each response array. Inner lists contain vectors of row indices, one for each element of **X**, of the last impulse in the time series associated with each response. If ``None``, inferred from **Y**. :param Y_time: ``list`` of response timestamp vectors (``list``, ``pandas`` series, or ``numpy`` vector), or ``None``; vector(s) of response timestamps, one for each response array. Needed to timestamp any response-aligned predictors (ignored if none in model). :param Y_gf: ``list`` of ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``, or ``None``; vector(s) of response timestamps, one for each response array. Data frames containing random grouping factor levels, if applicable. :param X_in_Y_names: ``list`` of ``str``; names of predictors contained in **Y** rather than **X** (must be present in all elements of **Y**). If ``None``, no such predictors. :param X_in_Y: ``list`` of ``pandas`` ``DataFrame`` or ``None``; tables (one per response array) of predictors contained in **Y** rather than **X** (must be present in all elements of **Y**). If ``None``, no such predictors. :param Y_category_map: ``dict`` or ``None``; map from category labels to integers for each categorical response. :param response_to_df_ix: ``dict`` or ``None``; map from response names to lists of indices of the response files that contain them. :param gf_names: ``list`` or ``None``; list of names of random grouping factor variables. If ``None`` and **Y_gf** provided, will use all columns of **Y_gf**. :param gf_map: ``list`` of ``dict`` or ``None``; list maps from random grouping factor levels to their indices, one map per grouping factor variable in **gf_names**. :return: 7-tuple of ``numpy`` arrays; let N, R, XF, YF, Z, and K respectively be the number of rows (sum total number of rows in **Y**), number of response dimensions, number of distinct predictor files (X), number of distinct response files (Y), number of random grouping factor variables, and number of response_aligned predictors. Outputs are (1) responses with shape (N, R) or ``None`` if **Y** is ``None``, (2) an XF-tuple of first observation vectors indexing start indices for each entry in X, (3) a YF-tuple of first observation vectors indexing end indices for each entry in X, (4) response timestamps with shape (N,), (5) response masks (masking out any missing response variables per row) with shape (N, R), (6) random grouping factor matrix with shape (N, Z), or ``None`` if no random grouping factors provided, and (7) response-aligned predictors with shape (N, K). """ # Check prerequisites assert len(responses) > 0, "At least one response variable must be provided." assert Y is None or isinstance(Y, list), "Y must either be ``None`` or a list with length equal to the number of response dataframes." assert Y_gf is None or isinstance(Y_gf, list), "Y_gf must either be ``None`` or a list with length equal to the number of response dataframes." assert first_obs is None or isinstance(first_obs, list) and not [x for x in first_obs if not isinstance(x, list)], "first_obs must either be ``None`` or a list of lists. Outer dim is number of response dataframes (Y). Inner dim is number of impulse dataframes (X)." assert last_obs is None or isinstance(last_obs, list) and not [x for x in last_obs if not isinstance(x, list)], "last_obs must either be ``None`` or a list of lists. Outer dim is number of response dataframes (Y). Inner dim is number of impulse dataframes (X)." assert Y_time is None or isinstance(Y_time, list), "Y_time must either be ``None`` or a list with length equal to the number of response dataframes" assert (Y is not None) or (first_obs is not None and last_obs is not None and Y_time is not None), "If Y is not provided, first_obs, last_obs, and time_y must be provided." if Y is None: Y_out = None if response_to_df_ix is None: n_response_df = 1 else: n_response_df = 0 for _response in response_to_df_ix: n_response_df = max(n_response_df, max(response_to_df_ix[_response])) n_response_df += 1 else: Y_out = [] n_response_df = len(Y) first_obs_out = [] last_obs_out = [] Y_time_out = [] Y_mask_out = [] if Y_gf is not None or gf_names is not None: Y_gf_out = [] else: Y_gf_out = None if X_in_Y_names or X_in_Y is not None: X_in_Y_out = [] else: X_in_Y_out = None for i in range(n_response_df): # Y if Y_out is not None: _Y = Y[i] _Y_out = [] for response in responses: if response in _Y: _Y_dv = _Y[response] if Y_category_map is not None and response in Y_category_map: _Y_dv = x: Y_category_map[response].get(x, x)) _Y_out.append(_Y_dv.values) else: _Y_out.append(np.zeros(len(_Y))) _Y_out = np.stack(_Y_out, axis=1) Y_out.append(_Y_out) # first_obs if first_obs is None: assert Y is not None, "To compute impulse time windows, either Y or first_obs must be provided." n_impulse_df = len([c for c in Y[0].columns if c.startswith('first_obs')]) # Separated into two steps to guarantee column order first_obs_cols = ['first_obs_%d' % j for j in range(n_impulse_df)] _first_obs = [] for col in first_obs_cols: _first_obs.append(Y[i][col].values) else: _first_obs = first_obs[i] for j, __first_obs in enumerate(_first_obs): if i == 0: first_obs_out.append([]) first_obs_out[j].append(__first_obs) # last_obs if last_obs is None: assert Y is not None, "To compute impulse time windows, either Y or last_obs must be provided." n_impulse_df = len([c for c in Y[0].columns if c.startswith('last_obs')]) # Separated into two steps to guarantee column order last_obs_cols = ['last_obs_%d' % j for j in range(n_impulse_df)] _last_obs = [] for col in last_obs_cols: _last_obs.append(Y[i][col].values) else: _last_obs = last_obs[i] for j, __last_obs in enumerate(_last_obs): if i == 0: last_obs_out.append([]) last_obs_out[j].append(__last_obs) # Y_time if Y_time is None: _Y_time = Y[i].time else: _Y_time = Y_time[i] Y_time_out.append(np.array(_Y_time)) # Y_mask if response_to_df_ix is None: if Y is None: _Y_mask = np.ones((len(_Y_time), len(responses))) else: _Y_mask = [] for response in responses: _Y = Y[i] if response in _Y: _Y_mask.append(np.isfinite(_Y[response])) else: _Y_mask.append(np.zeros(len(_Y))) _Y_mask = np.stack(_Y_mask, axis=1) else: if Y is None: _Y_mask = [] for response in responses: if i in response_to_df_ix[response]: _Y_mask.append(1.) else: _Y_mask.append(0.) # Tile _Y_mask = np.array(_Y_mask)[None, ...] * np.ones((len(_Y_time), 1)) else: _Y_mask = [] for response in responses: _Y = Y[i] if i in response_to_df_ix[response]: try: __Y_mask = np.isfinite(_Y[response]) except TypeError: __Y_mask = np.ones(_Y[response].shape, dtype=bool) _Y_mask.append(__Y_mask) else: _Y_mask.append(np.zeros(len(_Y))) _Y_mask = np.stack(_Y_mask, axis=1) Y_mask_out.append(_Y_mask) # Y_gf if Y_gf_out is not None: if Y_gf is None: # gf_names was provided assert Y is not None, 'Could not compute random grouping factors %s because neither Y nor Y_gf were provided.' % (gf_names) _Y_gf = Y[i][gf_names] else: if gf_names is None: _Y_gf = Y_gf[i] else: _Y_gf = Y_gf[i][gf_names] if gf_names is None: _gf_names = list(_Y_gf.columns) else: _gf_names = gf_names _Y_gf = _Y_gf[_gf_names] if gf_map is not None: for j, col in enumerate(_gf_names): _Y_gf[col] = pd.Series(_Y_gf[col].astype(str)).map(gf_map[j]) Y_gf_out.append(_Y_gf) # X_in_Y if X_in_Y_out is not None: if X_in_Y is None: # X_in_Y_names was provided assert Y is not None, 'Could not compute response-aligned predictors %s because neither Y nor X_in_Y were provided.' % (X_in_Y_names) _X_in_Y = Y[i][X_in_Y_names + ['time']] else: if X_in_Y_names is None: _X_in_Y = X_in_Y[i] else: _X_in_Y = X_in_Y[i][X_in_Y_names + ['time']] if X_in_Y_names is None: _X_in_Y_names = list(_X_in_Y.columns) else: _X_in_Y_names = X_in_Y_names if 'time' not in _X_in_Y_names: _X_in_Y_names.append('time') _X_in_Y = _X_in_Y[_X_in_Y_names] X_in_Y_out.append(_X_in_Y) if Y_out is not None: Y_out = np.concatenate(Y_out, axis=0) for i, _first_obs in enumerate(first_obs_out): first_obs_out[i] = np.concatenate(_first_obs, axis=0) for i, _last_obs in enumerate(last_obs_out): last_obs_out[i] = np.concatenate(_last_obs, axis=0) Y_time_out = np.concatenate(Y_time_out, axis=0) Y_mask_out = np.concatenate(Y_mask_out, axis=0).astype(float) if Y_gf_out is not None: Y_gf_out = np.concatenate(Y_gf_out, axis=0) if X_in_Y_out is not None: X_in_Y_out = pd.concat(X_in_Y_out, axis=0) # Find and mask non-finite response values Y_finite = np.isfinite(Y_out) Y_mask_out *= Y_finite # Fill na to prevent non-finite values from entering the computation graph Y_out = np.nan_to_num(Y_out) return Y_out, first_obs_out, last_obs_out, Y_time_out, Y_mask_out, Y_gf_out, X_in_Y_out
[docs] def build_CDR_impulse_data( X, first_obs, last_obs, X_in_Y_names=None, X_in_Y=None, impulse_names=None, history_length=128, future_length=0, int_type='int32', float_type='float32', ): """ Construct impulse data arrays in the required format for CDR fitting/evaluation for a single response array. :param X: ``list`` of ``pandas`` tables; impulse (predictor) data. :param first_obs: ``list`` of index vectors (``list``, ``pandas`` series, or ``numpy`` vector) of first observations; the list contains vectors of row indices, one for each element of **X**, of the first impulse in the time series associated with the response. If ``None``, inferred from **Y**. :param last_obs: ``list`` of index vectors (``list``, ``pandas`` series, or ``numpy`` vector) of last observations; the list contains vectors of row indices, one for each element of **X**, of the last impulse in the time series associated with the response. If ``None``, inferred from **Y**. :param X_in_Y_names: ``list`` of ``str``; names of predictors contained in **Y** rather than **X**. If ``None``, no such predictors. :param X_in_Y: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame`` or ``None``; table of predictors contained in **Y** rather than **X**. If ``None``, no such predictors. :param impulse_names: ``list`` of ``str``; names of columns in **X** to be used as impulses by the model. If ``None``, all columns returned. :param history_length: ``int``; maximum number of history (backward) observations. :param future_length: ``int``; maximum number of future (forward) observations. :param int_type: ``str``; name of int type. :param float_type: ``str``; name of float type. :return: triple of ``numpy`` arrays; let N, T, I, R respectively be the number of rows in **Y**, history length, number of impulse dimensions, and number of response dimensions. Outputs are (1) impulses with shape (N, T, I), (2) impulse timestamps with shape (N, T, I), and impulse mask with shape (N, T, I). """ # Process impulses if X_in_Y_names is None: X_in_Y_names = [] impulse_names_X = sorted(list(set(impulse_names).difference(set(X_in_Y_names)))) impulse_names_X_todo = set(impulse_names_X) impulse_names_X_tmp = [] X_2d = [] X_time_out = [] X_mask_out = [] window_length = history_length + future_length for i, _X in enumerate(X): impulse_names_1d_cur = impulse_names_X_todo.intersection(set(_X.columns)) if len(impulse_names_1d_cur) > 0: impulse_names_X_todo = impulse_names_X_todo - impulse_names_1d_cur impulse_names_1d_cur = sorted(list(impulse_names_1d_cur)) impulse_names_X_tmp += impulse_names_1d_cur _X_2d, _X_time_2d, _X_mask = expand_impulse_sequence( _X[impulse_names_1d_cur], _X.time, first_obs[i], last_obs[i], window_length, int_type=int_type, float_type=float_type ) else: _X_2d = np.zeros((len(first_obs[i]), window_length, 0)) _X_time_2d = np.zeros_like(_X_2d) _X_mask = np.zeros_like(_X_2d) X_2d.append(_X_2d) X_time_out.append(_X_time_2d) X_mask_out.append(_X_mask) assert len(impulse_names_X_todo) == 0, 'Not all impulses were processed during CDR data array construction. Remaining impulses: %s' % impulse_names_X_todo impulse_names_X = impulse_names_X_tmp X_out = np.concatenate(X_2d, axis=-1) X_out = X_out[:,:,names2ix(impulse_names_X, impulse_names_X_tmp)] X_time_out = np.concatenate(X_time_out, axis=-1) X_mask_out = np.concatenate(X_mask_out, axis=-1) if X_in_Y_names: assert X_in_Y is not None, 'X_in_Y must be provided if X_in_Y_names is not ``None``.' if len(impulse_names_X): T = X_out.shape[1] else: T = 1 X_out = X_out[:, :T] X_time_out = X_time_out[:, :T] X_mask_out = X_mask_out[:, :T] X_in_Y_shape = (X_out.shape[0], T, len(X_in_Y_names)) _X_in_Y = np.zeros(X_in_Y_shape) _X_in_Y[:, -1, :] = X_in_Y[X_in_Y_names].values X_out = np.concatenate([X_out, _X_in_Y], axis=2) time_X_2d_new = np.zeros(X_in_Y_shape) time_X_2d_new[:, -1, :] = X_in_Y.time.values[..., None] X_time_out = np.concatenate([X_time_out, time_X_2d_new], axis=2) time_mask_new = np.zeros(X_in_Y_shape) time_mask_new[:,-1,:] = 1. X_mask_out = np.concatenate([X_mask_out, time_mask_new], axis=2) # Ensure that impulses are properly aligned impulse_names_cur = impulse_names_X + X_in_Y_names ix = names2ix(impulse_names, impulse_names_cur) X_out = X_out[:,:,ix] X_time_out = X_time_out[:,:,ix] X_mask_out = X_mask_out[:,:,ix] # Find and mask non-finite predictor values X_finite = np.isfinite(X_out) X_mask_out *= X_finite # Fill na to prevent non-finite values from entering the computation graph X_out = np.nan_to_num(X_out) return X_out, X_time_out, X_mask_out
[docs] def get_rangf_array( Y, rangf_names, rangf_map ): """ Collect random grouping factor indicators as ``numpy`` integer arrays that can be read by Tensorflow. Returns vertical concatenation of GF arrays from each element of **Y**. :param Y: ``pandas`` table or ``list`` of ``pandas`` tables; response data. :param rangf_names: ``list`` of ``str``; names of columns containing random grouping factor levels (order is preserved, changing the order will change the resulting array). :param rangf_map: ``list`` of ``dict``; map for each random grouping factor from levels to unique indices. :return: """ if not isinstance(Y, list): Y = [Y] Y_rangf = [] for _Y in Y: _Y_rangf = _Y[rangf_names] for i in range(len(rangf_names)): c = rangf_names[i] _Y_rangf[c] = pd.Series(_Y_rangf[c].astype(str)).map(rangf_map[i]) _Y_rangf = np.array(_Y_rangf, dtype=int) Y_rangf.append(_Y_rangf) Y_rangf = np.concatenate(Y_rangf, axis=0) return Y_rangf
[docs] def get_time_windows( X, Y, series_ids, forward=False, window_length=128, t_delta_cutoff=None, verbose=True ): """ Compute row indices in **X** of initial and final impulses for each element of **y**. Assumes time series are already sorted by **series_ids**. :param X: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; impulse (predictor) data. :param Y: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; response data. :param series_ids: ``list`` of ``str``; column names whose jointly unique values define unique time series. :param forward: ``bool``; whether to compute forward windows (future inputs) or backward windows (past inputs, used if **forward** is ``False``). :param window_length: ``int``; maximum size of time window to consider. If ``np.inf``, no bound on window size. :param t_delta_cutoff: ``float`` or ``None``; maximum distance in time to consider (can help improve training stability on data with large gaps in time). If ``0`` or ``None``, no cutoff. :param verbose: ``bool``; whether to report progress to stderr :return: 2-tuple of ``numpy`` vectors; first and last impulse observations (respectively) for each response in **y** """ if window_length is None: window_length = 0 m = len(X) n = len(Y) Y = Y.reset_index(drop=True) if forward: # Reverse the time dimension X = X.copy() X['time'] = -X['time'] X = X.sort_values(series_ids + ['time']) Y = Y.copy() Y['time'] = -Y['time'] Y = Y.sort_values(series_ids + ['time']) X_time = np.array(X.time) Y_time = np.array(Y.time) X_id_vectors = [] Y_id_vectors = [] if series_ids: for i in range(len(series_ids)): col = series_ids[i] X_id_vectors.append(np.array(X[col])) Y_id_vectors.append(np.array(Y[col])) X_id_vectors = np.stack(X_id_vectors, axis=1) Y_id_vectors = np.stack(Y_id_vectors, axis=1) else: X_id_vectors = np.ones((len(X), 1)) Y_id_vectors = np.ones((len(Y), 1)) Y_id = Y_id_vectors[0] first_obs = np.zeros(len(Y)).astype('int32') last_obs = np.zeros(len(Y)).astype('int32') # i iterates y i = 0 # j iterates X j = 0 start = 0 end = 0 epsilon = np.finfo(np.float32).eps while i < n: if verbose and i == 0 or i % 1000 == 999 or i == n-1: stderr('\r%d/%d' %(i+1, n)) # Check if we've entered a new series in y if (Y_id_vectors[i] != Y_id).any(): start = end = j Y_id = Y_id_vectors[i] # Move the X pointer forward until we are either in the same series as y or at the end of the table. # However, if we are already at the end of the current time series, stay put in case there are subsequent observations of the response. if j == 0 or (X_id_vectors[j-1] != Y_id).any(): while j < m and (X_id_vectors[j] != Y_id).any(): j += 1 start = end = j # Move the X pointer forward until we are either at the end of the series or have moved later in time than y while (j < m) and \ (X_time[j] <= Y_time[i] + epsilon) and \ (X_id_vectors[j] == Y_id).all(): j += 1 # Ensure that t delta falls within cutoff if t_delta_cutoff and np.fabs(X_time[start] - Y_time[i]) > t_delta_cutoff: start = j end = j if forward: # We're slicing backward so first_obs is an included bound, # need to shift it along the sorted X axis # but make sure it doesn't go past the start index first_obs[i] = max(end - 1, start) last_obs[i] = start else: first_obs[i] = start last_obs[i] = end i += 1 # Unsort X indices first_obs = X.index[first_obs] last_obs = np.concatenate([np.array(X.index), [len(X)]])[last_obs] # Unsort Y indices first_obs = first_obs[Y.index] last_obs = last_obs[Y.index] if forward: # We're slicing backward so last_obs is an excluded bound, # need to shift it along the source X axis last_obs += 1 if np.isfinite(window_length): last_obs = np.minimum(last_obs, first_obs + window_length) elif np.isfinite(window_length): # Backward with finite window length first_obs = np.maximum(first_obs, last_obs - window_length) stderr('\n') return first_obs, last_obs
[docs] def compute_filters(Y, filters=None): """ Compute filters given a filter map. :param Y: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; response data. :param filters: ``list``; list of key-value pairs mapping column names to filtering criteria for their values. :return: ``numpy`` vector; boolean mask to use for ``pandas`` subsetting operations. """ if filters is None: return Y select = np.ones(len(Y), dtype=bool) for f in filters: field = f[0] cond = f[1] if field in Y: select &= compute_filter(Y, field, cond) elif field.lower().endswith('nunique'): name = field[:-7] if name in Y: vals, counts = np.unique(Y[name][select], return_counts=True) count_map = {} for v, c in zip(vals, counts): count_map[v] = c Y[field] = Y[name].map(count_map).astype(float) select &= compute_filter(Y, field, cond) else: stderr('Skipping unique-counts filter for column "%s", which was not found in the data...\n' % name) else: _field = re.compile(field) found = False for col in Y: if _field.match(col): found = True select &= compute_filter(Y, col, cond) if not found: stderr('Skipping filter for column "%s", which was not found in the data...\n' % field) return select
[docs] def compute_filter(y, field, cond): """ Compute filter given a field and condition :param y: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; response data. :param field: ``str``; name of column on whose values to filter. :param cond: ``str``; string representation of condition to use for filtering. :return: ``numpy`` vector; boolean mask to use for ``pandas`` subsetting operations. """ assert isinstance(cond, str), 'Argument ``cond`` must be of type ``str``.' cond = cond.strip() if cond.startswith('<='): op = '<=' var = cond[2:].strip() elif cond.startswith('>='): op = '>=' var = cond[2:].strip() elif cond.startswith('<'): op = '<' var = cond[1:].strip() elif cond.startswith('>'): op = '>' var = cond[1:].strip() elif cond.startswith('=='): op = '==' var = cond[2:].strip() elif cond.startswith('='): op = '==' var = cond[1:].strip() elif cond.startswith('!='): op = '!=' var = cond[2:].strip() else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized filtering condition: %s' % cond) if var == 'inf': var = np.inf else: try: var = float(var) except ValueError: if var in y and not var in y[field].unique(): var = y[var] if op == '<=': return ~pd.isna(y[field]) & (y[field] <= var) if cond.startswith('>='): return ~pd.isna(y[field]) & (y[field] >= var) if cond.startswith('<'): return ~pd.isna(y[field]) & (y[field] < var) if cond.startswith('>'): return ~pd.isna(y[field]) & (y[field] > var) if cond.startswith('='): try: return ~pd.isna(y[field]) & (y[field] == var) except: return ~pd.isna(y[field]) & (y[field].astype('str') == var) if cond.startswith('!='): try: return ~pd.isna(y[field]) & (y[field] != var) except: return ~pd.isna(y[field]) & (y[field].astype('str') != var) raise ValueError('Unsupported comparator in filter "%s"' %cond)
[docs] def compute_splitID(y, split_fields): """ Map tuples in columns designated by **split_fields** into integer ID to use for data partitioning. :param y: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; response data. :param split_fields: ``list`` of ``str``; column names to use for computing split ID. :return: ``numpy`` vector; integer vector of split ID's. """ splitID = np.zeros(len(y), dtype='int32') for col in split_fields: splitID += y[col] return splitID
[docs] def compute_partition(y, modulus, n): """ Given a ``splitID`` column, use modular arithmetic to partition data into **n** subparts. :param y: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; response data. :param modulus: ``int``; modulus to use for splitting, must be at least as large as **n**. :param n: ``int``; number of subparts in the partition. :return: ``list`` of ``numpy`` vectors; one boolean vector per subpart of the partition, selecting only those elements of **y** that belong. """ partition = [((y.splitID) % modulus) <= (modulus - n)] for i in range(n-1, 0, -1): partition.append(((y.splitID) % modulus) == (modulus - i)) return partition
[docs] def expand_impulse_sequence( X, X_time, first_obs, last_obs, window_length, int_type='int32', float_type='float32', fill=0.): """ Expand out impulse stream in **X** for each response in the target data. :param X: ``pandas`` ``DataFrame``; impulse (predictor) data. :param X_time: ``pandas`` ``Series``; timestamps associated with each impulse in **X**. :param first_obs: ``pandas`` ``Series``; vector of row indices in **X** of the first impulse in the time series associated with each response. :param last_obs: ``pandas`` ``Series``; vector of row indices in **X** of the last preceding impulse in the time series associated with each response. :param window_length: ``int``; number of steps in time dimension of output :param int_type: ``str``; name of int type. :param float_type: ``str``; name of float type. :param fill: ``float``; fill value for padding cells. :return: 3-tuple of ``numpy`` arrays; the expanded impulse array, the expanded timestamp array, and a boolean mask zeroing out locations of non-existent impulses. """ INT_NP = getattr(np, int_type) FLOAT_NP = getattr(np, float_type) last_obs = np.array(last_obs, dtype=INT_NP) first_obs = np.array(first_obs, dtype=INT_NP) X_time = np.array(X_time, dtype=FLOAT_NP) X = np.array(X) X_2d = np.full((first_obs.shape[0], window_length, X.shape[1]), fill, dtype=FLOAT_NP) time_X_2d = np.zeros_like(X_2d) time_mask = np.zeros_like(X_2d) for i, first, last in zip(np.arange(first_obs.shape[0]), first_obs, last_obs): if first < last: sX = X[first:last] sXt = X_time[first:last] X_2d[i, -sX.shape[0]:] = sX time_X_2d[i][-len(sXt):] = sXt[..., None] time_mask[i][-len(sXt):] = 1 return X_2d, time_X_2d, time_mask
[docs] def compute_time_mask( X_time, first_obs, last_obs, history_length=128, future_length=0, int_type='int32', float_type='float32' ): """ Compute mask for expanded impulse data zeroing out non-existent impulses. :param X_time: ``pandas`` ``Series``; timestamps associated with each impulse in **X**. :param first_obs: ``pandas`` ``Series``; vector of row indices in **X** of the first impulse in the time series associated with each response. :param last_obs: ``pandas`` ``Series``; vector of row indices in **X** of the last preceding impulse in the time series associated with each response. :param history_length: ``int``; maximum number of history (backward) observations. :param future_length: ``int``; maximum number of future (forward) observations. :param int_type: ``str``; name of int type. :param float_type: ``str``; name of float type. :return: ``numpy`` array; boolean impulse mask. """ INT_NP = getattr(np, int_type) FLOAT_NP = getattr(np, float_type) first_obs = np.array(first_obs, dtype=INT_NP) last_obs = np.array(last_obs, dtype=INT_NP) X_time = np.array(X_time, dtype=FLOAT_NP) time_mask = np.zeros((first_obs.shape[0], history_length + future_length), dtype=FLOAT_NP) for i, first, last in zip(np.arange(first_obs.shape[0]), first_obs, last_obs): sXt = X_time[first:last] time_mask[i][-len(sXt):] = 1 return time_mask
[docs] def preprocess_data( X, Y, formula_list, series_ids, filters=None, history_length=128, future_length=0, t_delta_cutoff=None, all_interactions=False, verbose=True, debug=False ): """ Preprocess CDR data. :param X: list of ``pandas`` tables; impulse (predictor) data. :param Y: list of ``pandas`` tables; response data. :param formula_list: ``list`` of ``Formula``; CDR formula for which to preprocess data. :param series_ids: ``list`` of ``str``; column names whose jointly unique values define unique time series. :param filters: ``list``; list of key-value pairs mapping column names to filtering criteria for their values. :param history_length: ``int``; maximum number of history (backward) observations. :param future_length: ``int``; maximum number of future (forward) observations. :param t_delta_cutoff: ``float`` or ``None``; maximum distance in time to consider (can help improve training stability on data with large gaps in time). If ``0`` or ``None``, no cutoff. :param all_interactions: ``bool``; add powerset of all conformable interactions. :param verbose: ``bool``; whether to report progress to stderr :param debug: ``bool``; print debugging information :return: 7-tuple; predictor data, response data, filtering mask, response-aligned predictor names, response-aligned predictors, 2D predictor names, and 2D predictors """ if verbose: stderr('Pre-processing data...\n') if not isinstance(X, list): X = [X] if not isinstance(Y, list): Y = [Y] select = [] for i, _Y in enumerate(Y): if filters is None: _select = np.full((len(_Y),), True, dtype='bool') else: _select = compute_filters(_Y, filters) _Y = _Y[_select] Y[i] = _Y select.append(_select) X_in_Y_names = None if history_length or future_length: X_new = [] for i in range(len(X)): _X = X[i] if verbose: stderr('Computing time windows for each regression target in predictor file %d...\n' % (i+1)) for j, _Y in enumerate(Y): if history_length: if future_length: stderr('Backward...\n') first_obs, last_obs = get_time_windows( _X, _Y, series_ids, window_length=history_length, t_delta_cutoff=t_delta_cutoff ) first_obs_b, last_obs_b = first_obs, last_obs else: first_obs = last_obs = None if future_length: if history_length: stderr('Forward...\n') _first_obs, last_obs = get_time_windows( _X, _Y, series_ids, forward=True, window_length=future_length, t_delta_cutoff=t_delta_cutoff ) first_obs_f, last_obs_f = _first_obs, last_obs if first_obs is None: first_obs = _first_obs # Ensure that time window doesn't exceed maximum, which can happen for high temporal res # impulses or responses due to numerical imprecision. last_obs = np.minimum(last_obs, first_obs + history_length + future_length) _Y['first_obs_%d' % i] = first_obs _Y['last_obs_%d' % i] = last_obs if debug: sample = np.random.randint(0, len(_Y), 10) sample = np.concatenate([np.zeros((1,), dtype='int'), sample, np.ones((1,), dtype='int') * (len(_Y) - 1)], axis=0) for k in sample: print('Obs ix') print(k) row = _Y.iloc[k] print('First ix') print(first_obs[k]) print('Last ix') print(last_obs[k]) print('Target:') print(_Y[['subject', 'docid', 'word', 'time', 'first_obs_%d' % i, 'last_obs_%d' % i]].iloc[max(0, k-5):k+5]) print('Impulses:') print(_X[['subject', 'docid', 'word', 'time']][row['first_obs_%d' % i]:row['last_obs_%d' % i]]) print('Impulses (bw):') print(_X[['subject', 'docid', 'word', 'time']][first_obs_b[k]:last_obs_b[k]]) print('Impulses (fw):') print(_X[['subject', 'docid', 'word', 'time']][first_obs_f[k]:last_obs_f[k]]) print() Y[j] = _Y X_new.append(_X) for x in formula_list: x = x.re_transform(X_new) X_new, Y, X_in_Y_names = x.apply_formula( X_new, Y, X_in_Y_names=X_in_Y_names, all_interactions=all_interactions, series_ids=series_ids ) else: X_new = X return X_new, Y, select, X_in_Y_names
[docs] def split_cdr_outputs(outputs, lengths): """ Takes a dictionary of arbitrary depth containing CDR outputs with their labels as keys and splits each output into a list of outputs with lengths corresponding to **lengths**. Useful for aligning CDR outputs to response files, since multiple response files can be provided, which are underlyingly concatenated by CDR. Recursively modifies the dict in place. :param outputs: ``dict`` of arbitrary depth with ``numpy`` arrays at the leaves; the source CDR outputs :param lengths: array-like vector of lengths to split the outputs into :return: ``dict``; same key-val structure as **outputs** but with each leaf split into a list of ``len(lengths)`` vectors, one for each length value. """ for k in outputs: if isinstance(outputs[k], dict): split_cdr_outputs(outputs[k], lengths) else: splits = np.cumsum(lengths) outputs[k] = {i: arr for i, arr in enumerate(np.split(outputs[k], splits, axis=0))} return outputs
[docs] def compare_elementwise_perf(a, b, y=None, mode='err'): """ Compare model performance elementwise. :param a: ``numpy`` vector; vector of elementwise scores (or predictions if **mode** is ``corr``) for model a. :param b: ``numpy`` vector; vector of elementwise scores (or predictions if **mode** is ``corr``) for model b. :param y: ``numpy`` vector or ``None``; vector of observations. Used only if **mode** is ``corr``. :param mode: ``str``; Type of performance metric. One of ``err``, ``loglik``, or ``corr``. :return: ``numpy`` vector; vector of elementwise performance differences """ if mode in ['err', 'mse', 'loss', 'loglik']: return b - a if mode == 'corr': assert y is not None, 'y must be provided in order to use mode="corr"' y = z(y) a = z(a) * y b = z(b) * y out = b - a return out raise ValueError('Unrecognize value for mode: %s.' % mode)
def concat_nested(batches, axis=0): tmp = {} for b in batches: b = flatten_dict(b) for k, v in b: if k not in tmp: tmp[k] = [] tmp[k].append(v) out = {} for k in tmp: _out = out v = np.concatenate(tmp[k], axis=axis) for i, _k in enumerate(k[:-1]): if _k not in out: _out[_k] = {} _out = _out[_k] _out[k[-1]] = v return out